Not My Home

This world is not my home, I'm just a passing thru; My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue, The angels beckon me from heaven's open door, And I can't feel at home in this world anymore.– A.E. Brumley


I grew up as an evangelical Christian. My family loved me dearly, and I lived an idyllic life in rural, East Texas. My perception of reality has been greatly influenced by my upbringing, lessons in faith, and Star Trek: The Next Generation. After I graduated from high school, my doting parents sent me to college. Figuratively speaking, I lost my religion during my time in higher education. I developed a sincere respect for science, research, and the never ending exploration. In my art, I am always searching for a duality of perception and interpretation. I believe that the most successful artworks are the ones that captivate and challenge the viewer.

This body of work contains documentary images from my travels around East Texas, and the world. For years, I have been visually exploring the American landscape. I adore a road trip, and have driven all over the United States. What makes me stop and make a photograph is often some magical combination of cultural or religious significance. I love exploring current events as they relate to the images I discover on the road. When folks create signs and symbols of faith, politics, ambition, I photographically study the surrounding landscape. I am tourist, and an anthropologist parading as a photographer. Making these images is my continued commitment to science, faith, and understanding. 

I also had the privilege of traveling to a few other countries in recent years – United Kingdom, Italy and Taiwan. Those trips continued to challenge my perception of my place in the world. Everyone is searching for a magical, or life changing experience.  Often, we all flock toward some majestic, holy site expecting to quell our curiosity, and give us peace. I want to see all the holy sites, and majestic places in hopes of seeing God. At the end of the day, I keep returning to East Texas. My art will always carry the influence of home, where God was created for me.